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Note to the parents of International Dept.(6)

Dear Parents, 

The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission officially announced the opening date of public and private kindergartens on Saturday, May 16th. All the parents must be as excited as school and teachers, your wish “the little monsters can be returned to their cage” can be expected soon!!! But since Meiqiu is a private kindergarten, we need to accept an inspection and get permission from the Education Commission for the school to reopen before we can announce our opening date, so please wait patiently. Everyone has had a very hard time during this pandemic period, once again we really appreciate your understanding and patience. The teachers of International Department are waiting to warmly welcome all of our students back soon! 

International Department of Meiqiu 

May 18 2020


MingDuCheng Campus( International Class)
(Inside the Mandarine City)No,788,Rd.HongXu,Dis.MingHang,Shanghai City
Email. enrollment@montessori-sh-u.com

PuDongCampus ( International Class)
( Inside The DongHe Apartmenrt ) 2F No.3 66Rd.,DongXiu Road Pudong Shanghai City
Email. pdtouwa@montessori-sh-u.com

for the school parents