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Age Groups Class

 The curriculum for weekly classes has three levels of instruction divided according to age groups.
post_5_img1.jpgChildren learn and enjoy a variety of sports activities for fine and gross motor skill development, physical health, coordination and team cooperation. Children develop skills such as jump roping, mat exercises, as well as participate in marathons, group games, and sports events.
post_5_img2.jpgChildren gain skills and creativity by experimenting and experiencing art processes and projects. Creative and imaginative arts help children learn about different art mediums and procedures. In addition, the use of simple art equipment, such as brushes, crayons, scissors, glue and paste, helps develop small motor skills.
post_5_img3.jpgChildren explore rhythmic movement, listening to a repeated musical pattern (or beat) while moving their body to the rhythm. Children also learn to understand spatial awareness, effort and body relationship concepts and develop large motor skills.
post_5_img4.jpgChildren learn and develop an interest in oral and printed language which includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classes focus on teaching and expanding communication and learning abilities for children of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
post_5_img5.jpgChildren learn and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using both Pinyin phonetic system and Simplified Chinese characters. Classes focus on teaching vocabulary and expanding communication and learning abilities for children of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds.


MingDuCheng Campus( International Class)
(Inside the Mandarine City)No,788,Rd.HongXu,Dis.MingHang,Shanghai City
Email. enrollment@montessori-sh-u.com

PuDongCampus ( International Class)
( Inside The DongHe Apartmenrt ) 2F No.3 66Rd.,DongXiu Road Pudong Shanghai City
Email. pdtouwa@montessori-sh-u.com

for the school parents